The main purpose I am doing this mod is because I simply want more room in the engine bay and to distribute some weight.
In doing this, you also get more grounding which makes the motor start alot easier. It's fairly simple and straight forward
so anyone with basic knowledge can do this. It's going to be far less expensive than my brake swap, I hope! Here is a list
of parts you'll need to get going on this mod:
1. Sealed Battery (Optima) 2. Summit Racing Battery Trunk Mount Kit 3. 10ft
of 8AWG smaller positive cable (I used Monster Cable) 4. 100AMP Circuit Breaker (I used Lightning Audio) 5.
Distribution Block (I used Lightning Audio) 6. 4 big stainless steel bolts, 4 nuts, 8 washers 7.
2 smallers bolts, 2 nuts, 4 washers 8. 2 self tapping screws 9. 1 1'' M8x1.25 bolt for grounding
10. 3 2AWG ring terminals 11. 3 8AWG ring terminals
- I started off in the trunk area mounting the battery box where I wanted it. You can mount howeer you like but I chose
to mount mine as seen in the pics.
- When you find out where you want to mount the box, drill 4 3/8" holes, or whatever size bolt you desire, in each of the
four corners of the box. Be careful when you drill the holes that you don't drill into anything you may have below, such as
a sway bar or the frame.
This is where I chose to mount the box, however you can mount which ever way you like. Once I got the holes drilled.
I dropped the battery in the box to see how it would fit.
With the battery sitting in the box, get the positive (RED) wire and unravel it and get it setup how you want the wire
to run. The pic at the bottom is how I ran the wires out of the box.
Since my car is a CRX I ran the wire slightly underneath the rear storage compartment and towards the doorsill. Be sure
that your wire won't be chafing on any metal or sharp objects otherwise it can lead to possible electrical fires.
As you can see I ran the wire underneath the carpet next to the doorsill and next to brake lines I believe. Then just
keep running it toward the ECU and to an empty grommet hole in the firewall pictured below from inside the engine bay.
There it is pokin' out into the engine bay in the above picture. Below shows all the extra wire you should have. Now
you can start with the engine bay wiring.
Here you can see the excess wire hanging out in the engine bay. Below, you can see what it look like going into the distribution
block and coming out the otherside to be fed to the starter and the fuse box.
Here it is wired to the fuse box under the hood next to the air intake tube.
What I didn't add is a picture of what it looks like attached to the starter, but as you can see, it was easier to take
the smaller gauge wires and stuff them into the 2 AWG ring terminal, then wire it to the starter.
Here we have the finished product of what it should look like. You can use a bungie to hold down the battery by drilling
two holes at the bottom of the battery box on the left and right side depending on how you want to secure it.